Saturday, January 17, 2009

Bloggers Give!

Have you all heard of the wonderful charity that MomDot has set up called Bloggers Give? Wow! What a way to give back to the community! I applaud them and all of their sponsors in their efforts!

Bloggers Give

As a review blogger, how can you help? This is simple!

  • For every product that you request to review or get offered for review, ask the company to send you a second product and tell them that it will be donated to Bloggers Give. Trisha Haas, the owner of Bloggers Give and MomDot, has even derived a letter for you to send to sponsors, after you've made the initial contact with them. She's worked with so many different sponsors and realize that it may be hard or awkward to ask for additional items for review. But, when the sponsors hear about what a great program Bloggers Give is, they'll definitely want to get involved!

Every time Bloggers Give receives a product donation on behalf of your blog’s giveaway or review, we will do the following:

  • Promote the giveaway on your site of participating product in a post we run once a week
  • Promote the review on your site of participating products in a post we run once a week
  • A list under our Blog Listings that is permanent
  • The blogger who donates the most product throughout the month will receive our Blogger of the Month award and be permanently listed on our sidebars the rest of the year
  • The blogger who donates the most product at the end of the year will be awarded a $100 gift certificate to any store of their choosing

As a sponsor, how can you help?

  • Contact Trisha Haas through the Bloggers Give site and let her know that you would like to participate in this wonderful cause!
  • I would love to offer a review of your product. If you are interested, send me two items and I will do a full review on my blog of the item and send the second item to Trisha personally.

The companies that dropship an extra product to Bloggers Give will

  • A link listing permanently under our donating companies
  • A 125/125 banner on the sidebar (if sent to us) for the month they donate
  • The Companies that donate the most product via a blogger per month will recieve a banner ad that rotates throughout the 4 Bloggers Give blogger sites (Mom
    Generations, Simbaco Lifestyle, MomDot and Accideintal Mommies)


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